2nd lt. Bradley E, Squires jr

2nd lt. Bradley E, Squires jr
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  • Bradley E Squires SN: 0-733363
    Mission Date Duty Rank AC # City Target
    10 22 Jun 1943 (Tue) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Huls, Germany Synthetic Rubber Factory
    10 22 Jun 1943 (Tue) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Huls, Germany Synthetic Rubber Factory
    13 26 Jun 1943 (Sat) B 2nd Lt 42-3120 Villacoublay, France Target not bombed - cloud cover
    14 28 Jun 1943 (Mon) B 2nd Lt 42-3150 St Nazaire, France Submarine Pens Docks
    16 4 Jul 1943 (Sun) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Le Mans, France Aircraft Engine Factory
    19 17 Jul 1943 (Sat) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Hanover, Germany Target cloudy-bombs dropped on unidentified German industry
    20 24 Jul 1943 (Sat) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Heroya, Norway Magnesium works
    21 25 Jul 1943 (Sun) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Hamburg, Germany Klockner Flugmotorenban
    22 26 Jul 1943 (Mon) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Hamburg, Germany Blohn-Voss Submarine works
    23 28 Jul 1943 (Wed) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Kassel, Germany Henschel Motor works-Recalled
    24 29 Jul 1943 (Thu) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Keil, Germany Kriegsmarinewerft
    26 12 Aug 1943 (Thu) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Bochum, Germany Vereinigte Stahlwerke-steel mill
    27 15 Aug 1943 (Sun) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Flushing, Holland Airfield
    28 16 Aug 1943 (Mon) B 2nd Lt 42-3090 Paris, France La Bourget Airfield
    29 17 Aug 1943 (Tue) B 2nd Lt 42-29877 Schweinfurt, Germany Ball Bearing Factory
    31 24 Aug 1943 (Tue) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Villacoublay, France Airfield
    32 27 Aug 1943 (Fri) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Watten, France "Secret Weapon" construction site
    34 2 Sep 1943 (Thu) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Conche Evreaux-Fauville Aerodrome-Recalled didn't drop bombs
    35 3 Sep 1943 (Fri) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Romilly-sur-Seine, France Airfield
    36 6 Sep 1943 (Mon) NB 2nd Lt 42-29749 Offenburg, Germany Railroad marshalling yard
    37 7 Sep 1943 (Tue) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Brussels-Evere, Belgium Aerodrome
    38 9 Sep 1943 (Thu) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Lille-Norde Aerodrome
    40 16 Sep 1943 (Thu) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Nantes, France harbor Marshalling yards and dock area
    45 4 Oct 1943 (Mon) B 2nd Lt 42-29603 Frankfurt, Germany Bombs hit edge of city
    46 8 Oct 1943 (Fri) B 2nd Lt 42-5824 Bremen, Germany Aerodrome, Quackenbruck, Germany
    47 9 Oct 1943 (Sat) B 2nd Lt 42-29877 Anklam, Germany Arado Aircraft Factory
    48 10 Oct 1943 (Sun) B 2nd Lt 42-3532 Munster, Germany Railroad Marshalling Yard
    49 14 Oct 1943 (Thu) NB 2nd Lt 42-3141 Schweinfurt, Germany Ball Bearing Factory
    51 3 Nov 1943 (Wed) B 2nd Lt 42-29852 Wilhelmshaven, Germany Harbor Area
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