HI Michel, I just posted a video interview with Herman Molen and Willard Ward on the SSMA.ning network. In the accompanying article he credits Lt. Bogg with helping to save his life. MO is on the right in lighter clothes
Welcome Michel, Go to videos and you will find MO in 2-part interview. My father is there also = Ken Fox. He was seriously wounded 14/10/43. His plane made it home.
HI Michel, I just posted a video interview with Herman Molen and Willard Ward on the SSMA.ning network. In the accompanying article he credits Lt. Bogg with helping to save his life. MO is on the right in lighter clothes
Welcome Michel, Go to videos and you will find MO in 2-part interview. My father is there also = Ken Fox. He was seriously wounded 14/10/43. His plane made it home.