Wartime Log of SSG William Oliver

Hello everyone, my name is Eric Paul McDaniels and I would like to tell you about a diary I found in the garbage.  It belong to SSG William Oliver and is a wonderful piece of history.  I will try to upload a couple of pictures from it and then will write back.  So stay tuned for more.......

A Wartime Log-2 (dragged).pdf

A Wartime Log-2 (dragged) 1.pdf

A Wartime Log-2 (dragged) 2.pdf

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  • Eric:

    Thank you so much for the post...very interesting.  Anyway to get a copy of the whole diary?  It would be great if all of it was available for others to see.  I would also be interested in knowing more about the find, your relationship to SSG Oliver and what the current status of the diary is.



    Rob Klint

  • Hello Eric,


    Thank you very much for the pages. This pages give the confirmation that 42-30707 crashed in the forest of Langenbergheim.

    The village Rommelhausen ist 2 miles north.



    I have attached a picture from 08/1945 The picture shows the crashplace and a part of the route he was gone.

    Can you attach the Site 17 and 18, please?




  • Hello,


    thanks for the diary.

    I live 2 miles from the eventual crashplace of the 42-30707 (Piccadilly Commando)


    Have you any informations about the crashplace or captured place?



  • Thanks for sharing the diary. My Dad Lt. John Prentice was the navigator on the "Queen Jeannie"  a 423rd B-17. He was probably one of the planes described as going down. He spent 1 1/2 years in prison camp. Only five of his crew survived the mission.


    Mike Prentice

  • Amazing find.  Need to upload the balance if you can.  Felt like an end of season cliff-hanger.
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